Friday 29 November 2013

Ma mere et mon pere

ma mere  (my mom )
has just joined my fathers website, her name is Dr Suha Kersh, she is a cosmetic doctor,it is really great, and I'm really excited for what is going to happen for them. 
Check out her piece in the Financial Times, look at the links below for both the website, bio rejuvination clinic, and the piece in the paper.

The website is for adults, so for anyone out there who is an adult, go, explore!!!!!

Go and see the website, the more hits the merrier.!dr-suha-kersh/c23cw

that is the link for the website

and that is the link for the FT.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Homework pic.

All rights go to teenager posts



I have been doing homework since I was five.
Nowadays homework isn't that complicated but
why can't it just be colouring or read a page or learn how to spell 3 words????????


I don't mind homework, but there comes a point where you get really tired, and bored 
and you don't want to do it anymore.

Also, if we spend 7 hours a day at school, and then if you have a club another hour or so,
why do we have to come home to homework, the reason we come home, is to sleep and relax.
If they wanted us to do homework why don't we finish at 2 o'clock
If they didn't want us to have homework then why don't we have one more lesson at the end of the day and finish at 5 and the come home to NO HOMEWORK.

I think that my way makes a bit more sense.
Don't you??????

I mean I understand that when we have homework it is to get us to try and work on our own, but can't we just do that in lessons?
Can't we?? please.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Pictures (I took all of them)

My past few weeks

How is everyone???
I'm reeeaaaalallllyyyyyy sorry that I haven't been posting for a very long time but I've been quite busy since we started back at school.
We've had a lot of netball matches (for one weekend I went on a netball 'tour' thingy), on the netball tour we came second, we won all our matches except the very final one, which was against St Pauls (During the trip truth be told I did get a little bit homesick but we can forget that). I've had a lot of work (the difficulties being in my year) and in my relaxation time all I've been doing is sleeping, hanging out with a friend (sometimes) or reading.

We've just had half term and my brother went to cape town and my sister went to Sicily, so I was stuck here, in London. But I definitely was not bored. My mom and I decided at 10pm that the next day we were going to go to Paris, so I woke up at 3am to catch a 6am flight (all the train tickets were booked) and we spent the day in Paris sightseeing, it was amazing!!!!! We saw the eiffel tower, we went on the eiffel tower, we saw the concorde, we saw Notre Damme and so many other amazing things, but we didn't see the Louvre because it is closed on Tuesdays.......

And now I have been back at school for a week, a very busy week mind you. 2 netball matches and on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I didn't get home until between 6-7, on Thursday I had an orthodonist appointment so my teeth were very painful by 6 but Friday, I got to relax with friends for 2 hours then go and see different friends for fireworks. I was being a very busy busy bee. But nevermind that, I am now relaxed and well rested and sort of ready for another week of school...... (not really)
