Monday 24 March 2014


Hi Everyone,
sorry I haven't really been blogging that  much but I just haven't really had the time. I'm really really sorry, and I will try to blog more.

I solemnly swear that I will try to blog more.

Hahaha, that's harry potter for you.
But in the summer I may top for a bit because I have summer exams, which is very exhausting. I get tired just doing homework.

Anyway, yesterday I made macaroons (macarons) with my friend and they turned out really well!!!!
We used a new laduree cook book which told us how to make and once I'm done with my homework I will go to the kitchen take a picture and post it on this blog.
This is laduree, it is in Harrods:


They look just like those ;))))
No they don't but the ystill look pretty good considering was my first time making macaroons.

I hope you enjoy reading this blog, and I still will stick to that solemn swear.


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