Friday 24 October 2014


will blog soon I promise,
we are now leaving for a trip to Beirut which has finally come,
and I am going to let y'all know all about,
I am deeply sorry about not blogging for about 2 weeks but I will get back on track
will update you soon

Monday 13 October 2014

My month

Hi Everyone,

I'm am extremely sorry for not posting in almost a month….
But I have had a very busy month.
Catching up with all the year 9 school work
Netball practise
Guitar practise
Piano practise
Hanging out with my cousins
Hanging out with my grandma
Baking with my grandma  ( we made maamoul ) delicious
(I call my grandma tita as that is arabic)

But I am very sorry.
On the weekend I had 3 parties
Natalia & Isabella

And over the month I had:
Serena : my sister
Maddie (bff)
Izzy (bff) surprise party

And in a couple weeks
Grace , karaoke

And next week is Half Term, 2 weeks of vacation woowso I will tell you everything we do, whether we go away or not.
During half term we have Halloween, still don't know what I'm doing.
Any ideas?

my month in pictures

 High street Kensington
 Cake pops
 Covent Garden with my cousin and brother

 Sisters birthday
Friend's birthday

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Earthquakes and Hurricanes

In geography we are studying earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanos
basically hazards
so I would just like to point out that if you are not in a danger zone like the ring of fire then you are very ,very lucky because when you are in one of those danger zones then there are many floods, strong winds and dangers.

A lot of people die or are displaced, for instance in t he Philippines a few days ago Manila had a large storm hit them, and thousands had to evacuate.

Think about what you would od for work,
and family

What would you do, would love to here from y'all.
Email me if you have had any first hand experience as this would really help with my geography project.

bye bye

Tuesday 16 September 2014

chocolate and coconut pie

I have a pie
It is a lovely chocolate and coconut pie and is delicious, but my family and I just Can't finish it.
And tomorrow I have to make ANOTHER one.
so we are going to have one and 3/4 pies!!!!!!

How are we going to eat it all?!?!?!?
We are going to have to get my uncle to to take some home with him.
I'll give you the recipe because it is delicious

For the Pastry:
100g plain flour
50g coconut flour
80 g butter room temp. cut into small cubes
1 egg yolk
1 or 2 TBSP cold water
For savoury fillings add a little salt and pepper to flour
For sweet filling add 50 g caster sugar to flour

For the filling:
50g caster sugar
2 egg yolks
120 g Dark chocolate
70g desiccated coconut
3 TBSP cornflour
100 ml water

Preheat oven to 190 C / Gas 6

  1. put the flour and sugar/ seasoning into a mixing bowl
  2. Add the butter and use fingertips to rub the flour and butter and sugar/seasoning together so that it look likes breadcrumbs.
  3. add the egg yolk to the flour mixture
  4. Using a knife, add enough water to make a stiff dough. wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 5-10 mins 
  5. press onto pie tin so that it is about 3/4 of a cm thick and thin on the side put greaseproof paper on top to weigh it down
  6. Bake for 10 mins with greaseproof paper on top then remove and bake 5 minutes more. The pastry should be PALE golden 

  1. Reduce oven heat to 180 C
  2. Place water, chocolate, sugar and cornflour in saucepan and stir over a low heat until mitre boils and thicken.s
  3. Remove from heat and cool slightly and egg yolks and coconut then pour into pastry once it has cooled
  4. Cook for 15 minutes 

this is delicious

Saturday 13 September 2014


Autumn Is COMinG..!!

And I now need to plan my AUTUMN/WINTER clothing wardrobe!!
I'm thinking my main style will be jeans with a baggy jumper but I can't decide what coat I want to get.
Maybe a trench coat, or a boyfriend coat.

Not too sure yet,
but what I do know is that I want to save up for a pair of mid heel ankle boots, because I think that will look really awesome and would love to get that.

Since the cold weather is coming , it means it will be hot chocolate time!!!!!
And I get to bake brownies and loads of chocolaty 'vaguely' unhealthy things, hahaha ( When I was in spain I realised people say haha as jaja!!!)

Will show you a final compilation of what I am going to buy for my wardrobe.


Wednesday 10 September 2014


I have an image, that I would like to share.
However I am not able to share it yet, because it has not been created.
I can see it in my mind
But I need to construct it.

It is a glowing fireball.
It needs practise
It needs perfection

It will be done.

Thursday 4 September 2014

First Day Back to School

Today was my first day back to school………

It wasn't actually as bad as you'd think
We changed classes, but it is a really nice class and I hope it will be fun to have a new class
I have okay teaches, not too much of a fan of teachers, but It's ok, I'm sure it'll all be fine.

Netball trials were also today,
da da daaaaa
There is gonna be four more netball trials before i really know whether i;m on the team, so crossed fingers!!

Teachers, surprisingly, didn't load me up with homework just a bit of reading and teachers checklist.
On the weekend I have to go and get all my new folders for school, cause I'm not sure how many subjects need it…

My friend gave me a really nice pencil case with an indian design with red elephants on a white background.

Wish me luck in Year 9!!

Thursday 21 August 2014


I would like to dedicate this post to all of those men, women and children who have lost their lives in Gaza at the hands of Israel.

Over 2000 Palestinians have died, I would like everyone to hold a minutes silence and pray for all losses.

More than 50% of Gaza's population are children aged under 18,
Over 500 of these children have died (although now it has probably increased)
380,000 Palestinians have been displaced
Another 10,300 are injured, to date
Enough damage to cost $34 million

And get this:
64 Israeli soldiers have died
3 Israeli civilians have died

Tuesday 19 August 2014


Right now I'm in Mallorca, and I'm sorry for the lack of posts but I wasn't able to get access to a computer and may not have good access for the next 2 weeks.

I'm with family and family friends and it is great

Today was my first time ever on a JET SKI,
It was amazing,
but we only went 30mph…
It was still amazing and fun.

The house we are staying in is beautiful, right next to the sea, with
a pool
tennis court
BIG house
and a lot of land
Jet ski

It is so much fun and it is so hot.
I love it

Friday 15 August 2014

Kids and Kites in Gaza

A new documentary, “Flying Paper,” takes us on a cinematic journey into the kite culture among Palestinian youth in the Gaza Strip, and their quest to shatter the Guinness World Record for the most kites ever flown.

Forgotten and Found

Forget about the pain that has been caused.
Forget about the grief.
Forget about how worlds have been destroyed,
How worlds have been created.

Remember the beauty instead,
The sliver of silver lining.
Even though it's in the past,
It will be Found again.

Thursday 14 August 2014


As it is my summer holidays I have decided to do a short post on my trip to Trinidad.

I saw lots and lots and LOTS of family, some I haven't even meant before. And just so you know I have 16 cousins, Yes 16, On my Dad's side!!!

We spent one week in Trinidad then went to Tobago and stayed in Blue Waters hotel, which was great for a family reunion but, the water had seaweed. The concept of the trip was wonderful and it was lovely to see all my family.

In Tobago we went on a hike to a waterfall and I will show you some pictures, it was interesting except the tour guide talked a little too much.

We had a scavenger hunt and a turneeb tournament, turneeb is a card game which requires 4 people and teamwork but no speaking…..

Then my family and I headed back to Trinidad for more liming (hanging out) and turneeb, ooh and it was my sister's 17th birthday, so her and my older cousins went to a nightclub called 51 degrees, that was a sight to see.

I was really really upset to leave because it was so fun and nice to see everyone in one space and socialise with EVERYONE.

I miss you all and will see you again either in Easter or Christmas.


Buycott II

Please Boycott these products, they are making innocent people die….



Boycotting products is where you decide to not buy goods from a country/company etc as a protest.
For instance I have stopped buying products from Israel as I am Not supporting them in any way.
By doing this you are giving less money to a bad cause, I do not want my money going towards bombs and killing children.

There is an APP called BUYCOTT
The app was made by Buycott Inc. and if you scan a barcode on a product it will show you what that product is supporting and if you should buy it or not.

I suggest everyone gets this app and supports Palestine.

Saturday 9 August 2014


I fully support Palestine.
My grandmother is there.
My uncle and his kids are there.

Do you know how many children have been killed in Gaza by Israel?
373, identified and more to be found.

This is a massacre
a genocide
a repeated attempt at history

Why do they do this?

power plant : Gone
Nearly one third of the 1.8 million of the Gazan population have been displaced out of their homes.
They are now homeless.
They need to be supported

Help to end this war crime
Social Media
On the streets
Write to your local MP/Senator

They are killing innocent people.
There are 4 million Palestinians at risk; this means there are 4 million people at risk of genocide.
This is a Problem
We need a solution.

Sunday 13 July 2014

Saturday 12 July 2014


First, if you have Facebook, log in and watch Mawanella Muslims page's video on a short introduction about occupied Palestine.

If you do not have Facebook, I am going to explain what has happened in steps.

  1. Palestine belongs to Palestinians, doesn't matter what religion you are.
  2. Britain colonised some Arab countries during the mid 1900s
  3. After the holocaust, Jewish people demanded land of their own and claimed Palestine as their holy land.
  4. They began their occupation in the 1940s through terrorist activities and massacres all through Palestine, forcing Palestinians to leave their homes.
  5. They then established an Israeli government for Jewish people and began building settlements.
  6. Palestinians have lived under occupation since or forced into exile.
  7. They have no rights to defend themselves or defend the constant claim and occupation on their land by increasing settlements.
Pray for Gaza

Saturday 5 July 2014

Movie List

easy to understand


It's finally summer!!!!!!

I have two weeks to waste here in London, one of which I am doing a tennis camp in Hyde Park, then we go to Trinidad and Tobago to spend some family time with my family, then Mallorca for about 5 days with some family friends, and then…………

We haven't decided whether we are able to go to Greece or Ibiza, personally I prefer Greece.

While I am in London, I want to meet up with friends on my first week and in a few days my best friend from Australia is coming and I get to see her!!!!!!!!!!
Iam so EXCITED, She moved there a few months ago and I miss her so much, an unbelievable amount.

What is everyone else doing for summer???

I;m so happy!!!!!
will post back soon. xx

Sunday 29 June 2014


It was my BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 YEARS OF AGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can now have a job if I want to, very small one but still it pays.

So, for my birthday we went out to lunch at Daphne's near Harrods and that was absolutely delicious,
my brother, sister and I were then ushered of to where to or our cousins were staying because we had to leave to go to a concert, which was supposed to be a surprise but some people spilt the beans; my cousin and my uncle. Anyway we were going to an

ELTON JOHN CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it was wonderful, however we arrived 2 and a half hours early………., see my cousin made the mistake of thinking it started at 5 (which it said on the tickets GATES 5PM) But that only meant the gates, the actually concert started at 8PM, so we had to find a way to waste 2 and a half hours in a place we DIDN'T KNOW: Buckinghamshire………..

we didn't know what to do.
But then it rained. and when it rains in the UK, Man does it rain, we had to get those raincoat things, they were weird.


once the concert began, all was forgotten because of his AMAZING VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!, It was magical, probably the best birthday EVER!!!!!!!!, 
Now I am 13 and loving it!!!!!!


Thursday 5 June 2014

Fishbourne palace

I went to fishbourne palace on Tuesday 3rd June with my school. 

Fishbourne palace is a roman palace which was supposedly lived in by king T/Cogidubnus, most of it burnt down about 200 years ago however there is still remaing flooring mosaics, gardens and a vague floor plan. 
It was found about 50 years ago when digging a trench for a river when they came among the ruins. 
There were four wings each with a different purpose, and large gardens including a beautiful two lawn courtyard. 

We left school at 8:15 and took a 2 hour journey to Chichester, Sussex. The journey was fun, we listened to music, played consequences and told jokes. 

We arrived at about 10:15 and went straight to the bathrooms. After our long bathroom break we went to the museum. After learning a lot about trade, clothing, food and design we set off to watch an15 minute film. 
The film was about how fishbourne ( which from here on in I shall call fishy) was found, 're made' on a computer and come back to life. 

Then it was time to become archeologists. We deciphered a lot of information from one small piece of painted mosaic, too much to write down. 

Now it was lunch, a whole 45 minutes to eat, drink and relax in the cold, wet and windy weather of england. 
Now it was time for the mosaics. While rooms were filled with increasing details floors, with colour and just plain black and white. A few pieces were even whole, which was amazing! A lot of the work was gone but still it was impressive. 

We then visited the gardens and saw different types of vegetables, herbs and fruits growing. 

After a 4 hour stay at fishy we headed home, another 2 hour trip. 
Overall the trip was very interesting and I was surprised to find that barely any of the actual palace remains, only the mosaics in the north wing, all the other wings are beneath the ground!

You should really visit it is quite interesting! 
( the attached photo is a computer version of what fishy would've actually looked like)


Wednesday 4 June 2014

Fishbourne palace

I went to fishbourne palace on Tuesday 3rd June with my school. 

Fishbourne palace is a roman palace which was supposedly lived in by king T/Cogidubnus, most of it burnt down about 200 years ago however there is still remaing flooring mosaics, gardens and a vague floor plan. 
It was found about 50 years ago when digging a trench for a river when they came among the ruins. 
There were four wings each with a different purpose, and large gardens including a beautiful two lawn courtyard. 

We left school at 8:15 and took a 2 hour journey to Chichester, Sussex. The journey was fun, we listened to music, played consequences and told jokes. 

We arrived at about 10:15 and went straight to the bathrooms. After our long bathroom break we went to the museum. After learning a lot about trade, clothing, food and design we set off to watch an15 minute film. 
The film was about how fishbourne ( which from here on in I shall call fishy) was found, 're made' on a computer and come back to life. 

Then it was time to become archeologists. We deciphered a lot of information from one small piece of painted mosaic, too much to write down. 

Now it was lunch, a whole 45 minutes to eat, drink and relax in the cold, wet and windy weather of england. 
Now it was time for the mosaics. While rooms were filled with increasing details floors, with colour and just plain black and white. A few pieces were even whole, which was amazing! A lot of the work was gone but still it was impressive. 

We then visited the gardens and saw different types of vegetables, herbs and fruits growing. 

After a 4 hour stay at fishy we headed home, another 2 hour trip. 
Overall the trip was very interesting and I was surprised to find that barely any of the actual palace remains, only the mosaics in the north wing, all the other wings are beneath the ground!

You should really visit it is quite interesting! 
( the attached photo is a computer version of what fishy would've actually looked like)


Monday 26 May 2014

Book List

My book list:

  • The Fault in Our Stars
  • Ketchup Clouds
  • Before I die
  • Pig Heart Boy
  • Divergent Series
  • Paper Towns
  • Echo Boy
  • Looking For Alaska
  • The Hunger Games
  • Dragon Rider
  • I'd tell you i Love You, But then I'd have to kill you
  • Wonder
  • The Curious incident of the Dog in the nightie
  • Chinese CInderella
  • Stolen
  • The Book Thief
  • My sister lives on the mantelpiece
  • Sherlock homes
  • My names in Mina
  • Harry Potter, 1-7
  • Maximum Ride
  • Gone With the wind

these are all my favourite books.
Hope you enjoy them as well

Sunday 25 May 2014

i'm free


Exams are finally over!!!!! well they actually finished about a week ago, but now I'm on half term and I can do WHATEVER I want!!!!!!

And my fractured ankle has healed so I don't have to sit at home and do nothing!!!!!!

I can play tennis, walk my dog, go running and so many more amazing things!!!!!
I might go for a walk after I write this post…….

I also have been reading a lot, like a lot a lot.
AND I'm not sure I can stop, but I need some book recommendations.


Friday 9 May 2014

few day left...

I have exams on Monday!!!!
i'm so scared i do not want it to come.


Sunday 4 May 2014


Today is a Sunday.

Usually on Sundays I wake up, get dressed; brush my teeth and hair, make some pancakes for teh family and spend the rest of the day relaxing.

But today I woke up, didn't get dressed, might make pancakes and then I have to go by family friends for 2 hours and then, I have to REVISE!!!!!!!!

Revision sucks.
THat is the only thing someone can say unless they use swear words, but I won't do that.

urgh, revision man

Friday 2 May 2014

exam week


recently I've had a lot of revision to do, yay!

I'm sitting here with my friends in school, between grace and sarah, and we are having another ICT lesson, just to take out of my revision time!!!
THe week after next is exam week and I get tested on everything, about 10 subjects.

theya re only summer exams so they are not that important but if you are living in the present then they are.

I'm might blog a little less when exam week comes and I'm sorry about that, but in the meantime;



Thursday 24 April 2014


I'm in school right now,
I'm in ICT we don't have to do much, we learn how to use computers and I've got some free time so I'm writing to you



Tuesday 22 April 2014


my bro's not well.......

He's got some form of meningitis. :(((

We don't know what to do, my sister once had meningitis.
But I don't really remember that time, I was a bit too young.


Wednesday 16 April 2014



I'm (once again) sorry i haven't been blogging.
But I will catch you up.

Recently I fractured my ankle, for a week they weren't sure if it was fractured or not because the fracture was above the growth plate, which made it confusing.

Currently I'm on Easter break, trying to organise my summer break.
And I think I found a camp!!! in Spain!

I got 5 new goldfish to join my very lonely fish; Phantom, their names are:
Goldy; it's gold and black
Google: red on the top and white on the bottom, with  a white head
Milo: black, red and white splotches
Shine: white body, red head
Phantom: Black
Tango: Orange all around

Next week it is Easter, I'm not sure what we're doing.....

In Summer I will be going to camp for 2 weeks, trinidad and tobago for 2 and a half weeks and greece for 2 weeks!!
I'm also now a Trinidad and Tobago citizen as I have a passport!

Well, you are all caught up now.

Monday 24 March 2014



I just realized that I never posted this!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to Dus we decided to go away.


We stayed on the beach for most of the day and in the evening we went to the best dinners EVER!!!!!!!!

Here is a listof the restaurants:

Pai Thai - the best
khaymat al bahar, although that was more of our breakfast place as it was located in the hotel
Room service
The beach menu.

It was a pretty relaxed holiday; except for the fact that my brother really hurt his back and now he can't play rugby for 4 months because he did something with a slip disk when he was wake boarding.

That really annoyed him........

But it was lovely, we stayed in Dar Al Masyaf in Madinat Jumeirah and we loved it. Every second and by the end of the trip none of us wanted to leave.........


Hi Everyone,
sorry I haven't really been blogging that  much but I just haven't really had the time. I'm really really sorry, and I will try to blog more.

I solemnly swear that I will try to blog more.

Hahaha, that's harry potter for you.
But in the summer I may top for a bit because I have summer exams, which is very exhausting. I get tired just doing homework.

Anyway, yesterday I made macaroons (macarons) with my friend and they turned out really well!!!!
We used a new laduree cook book which told us how to make and once I'm done with my homework I will go to the kitchen take a picture and post it on this blog.
This is laduree, it is in Harrods:


They look just like those ;))))
No they don't but the ystill look pretty good considering was my first time making macaroons.

I hope you enjoy reading this blog, and I still will stick to that solemn swear.


Wednesday 12 February 2014

Half Term


I'm going to Dubai, SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!.

Which means I will not be posting blogs for about a week, but when I come back I promise I will  blog,


Tuesday 4 February 2014


I got 1000 views

Thank You Everybody looking at my blog
This is a Wonderful Achievement

Thank You
Thank You
Thank You


(....I feel like I'm winning an award....)

But Really It wouldn't have been possible without you guys


The Move

Recently, (on Friday)

WE MOVED!!!!!!!!!!!
It is a pretty cool apartment, but there are still boxes everywhere.
It's a bit annoying
But I have a big room!!!! and I get to decorate it
Anyway, I'm in school, so I have to go.....
Bye bye

Sunday 26 January 2014


Had such a great weekend.

But now there is school tomorrow,
Don't want to go to school

Going to be so tired


Making a reeeaally big breakfast with:


and some more condiments.

Might post a picture later.


Saturday 25 January 2014


I have been up until ten o;clock making cookies.......

Just felt to.

They are delicious and I love them.



Day out

I went to westfield and went 'SHOPPING'

(by shopping I mean trying stuff on)
I went to urban outfitters, gilly hicks, topshop, river island
All Amazing
But today I went to Harvey Nichols and actually bought some STUFF

I got these really nice track pants, and this cute jumper with a parrot on it.

Love them

Got to Harvey Nichols it's really cool.

We then went to Buddha Bar, cause I got hungry, and had some awesome food like:
Mango salad
Paupau salad
duck salad
prawn pad thai

It was delicious.

Had a  Great day

Monday 20 January 2014

Math Test


I am not in a good mood.

I have to revise for a math test..............
It is difficult .

How do you revise, and what is the point of doing stupid tests.
Tests should be out in  the real world, with stuff from outside, not a stupid paper.

What would you do?

Tuesday 7 January 2014

First day of school

My first day back at school after Christmas was........


I had a really good day and wasn't tired at all.
But I got homework.
And personally I think homework is the worst thing.

But now I get to finish my homework and relax.
Plus on Friday I don't have any school because people are taking their 11+'s so we are not allowed to disturb them.

Anyway I will do my homework and get back to you tomorrow.


Monday 6 January 2014

Last day

It's the last day before school starts.
Before all the homework
Before all the learning

It's the last day.....

And today I am spending with my friend until 2.00 an then I have until 5 to do what I want.
At 5.00 I have a physiotherapy appointment.

I hope this day is a long one.

Plus I have to go to bed early tonight cause of school.


Sunday 5 January 2014

Happy New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Or happy 5th of January)

Anyway, today was my brothers birthday, we went for a delicious lunch at shaka zulu (African themed) the food was DELICIOUS, all meat like zebra or ostrich, a bit bazaar but interesting.

On New Years we went by some people that I really didn't know, but I got to know a girl close to my age and we were friends by New Year's Day (12:01)

How was your New Year's?
I'm back to school on tuesday, not looking to forward to that, but I get to see my friends.

I've made a resolution to discover more.

Have a great New Year!!!!
